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DAY-LIGHT...........2 The day-light dawn'd -- they dropp'd their arms, Ancyent Marinere V Of joyless day-light; when the fretful stir Tintern Abbey
DAY-LIGHT'S.........2 When the blue day-light's in the skies, The Thorn "When the blue day-light's in the sky, The Thorn
DAYS................8 For days and weeks it play'd us freaks -- Ancyent Marinere I Seven days, seven nights I saw that curse, Ancyent Marinere IV Like one that hath been seven days drown'd Ancyent Marinere VII Light was my sleep; my days in transport roll'd: Female Vagrant That happier days we never more must view: Female Vagrant Enough to warm her for three days. Goody Blake In two days more I must have died. Forsaken Indian (The coarser pleasures of my boyish days, Tintern Abbey
DEAD...............25 And they all dead did lie! Ancyent Marinere IV And there the dead men lay. Ancyent Marinere IV And the dead were at my feet. Ancyent Marinere IV Is the curse in a dead man's eye! Ancyent Marinere IV The dead men gave a groan. Ancyent Marinere V To have seen those dead men rise. Ancyent Marinere V The dead men stood together. Ancyent Marinere VI The dead men could not blast. Ancyent Marinere VI And groans, which, as they said, would make a dead man start. Female Vagrant And kindred of dead husband are at best Female Vagrant Her evenings then were dull and dead; Goody Blake His master's dead, and no one now Simon Lee Men, dogs, and horses, all are dead; Simon Lee "But they are dead; those two are dead! We Are Seven "But they are dead; those two are dead! We Are Seven And if 'twas born alive or dead, The Thorn Were voices of the dead: The Thorn But still be true 'till I am dead, Mad Mother The green bough's motionless and dead; Idiot Boy "Where he will stay till he is dead; Idiot Boy "From dead men to their kind. Expostulation My fire is dead: it knew no pain; Forsaken Indian Yet it is dead, and I remain. Forsaken Indian And they are dead, and I will die. Forsaken Indian My fire is dead, and snowy white Forsaken Indian
DEADLY..............3 About that tight and deadly band Mad Mother Her thoughts are bent on deadly sin; Idiot Boy She thinks no more of deadly sin; Idiot Boy
DEAR...............22 Dear Lord in Heaven! it was a joy Ancyent Marinere VI "Dear Lord! it has a fiendish look -- Ancyent Marinere VII For the dear God, who loveth us, Ancyent Marinere VII As often as I think of those dear times Foster-Mother O my dear Mother! this strange man has left me Foster-Mother And now for our dear homes. -- That strain again! Nightingale Full fain would it delay me! -- My dear Babe, Nightingale All that is dear in being! better far Female Vagrant And in that country coals are dear, Goody Blake A simple child, dear brother Jim, We Are Seven As dear as my own children be; Last of the Flock -- Where art thou gone my own dear child? Mad Mother For I thy own dear mother am. Mad Mother Then, pretty dear, be not afraid; Mad Mother "And I have lost my poor dear boy, Idiot Boy "Oh dear, dear pony! my sweet joy! Idiot Boy "Oh dear, dear pony! my sweet joy! Idiot Boy My dear, dear Friend, and in thy voice I catch Tintern Abbey My dear, dear Friend, and in thy voice I catch Tintern Abbey My dear, dear Sister! And this prayer I make, Tintern Abbey My dear, dear Sister! And this prayer I make, Tintern Abbey More dear, both for themselves, and for thy sake. Tintern Abbey
DEAR-LOVED..........1 Glimmer'd our dear-loved home, alas! no longer ours! Female Vagrant
DEAREST.............3 Oh dearest, dearest boy! my heart Anecdote for Fathers Oh dearest, dearest boy! my heart Anecdote for Fathers Of this fair river; thou, my dearest Friend, Tintern Abbey
DEARLY..............2 He dearly loves their voices! Simon Lee And dearly he loves me. Anecdote for Fathers
DEATH...............5 And she is far liker Death than he; Ancyent Marinere III His love grew desperate; and defying death, Foster-Mother In Want's most lonely cave till death to pine, Female Vagrant What should it know of death? We Are Seven On the fetters that link him to death. Convict
DEATH-FIRES.........1 The Death-fires danc'd at night; Ancyent Marinere II
DECAY...............2 Till all his substance fell into decay. Female Vagrant Suffer my genial spirits to decay: Tintern Abbey
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